84 Extras
The phone has a built-in calculator, which can add, subtract, divide
and multiply.
• Press # to get
• Press
C to delete a figure to the left of the cursor.
• Press * to enter a decimal point.
To use the calculator
In this example we are going to divide 134 by 32.
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES.
2. Enter 134.
3. Press # repeatedly until the division sign (/) appears.
4. Enter 32.
5. Press
YES to get the answer.
6. To clear the display, press
The phone has a built-in stopwatch for you to time a certain activity.
To run the stopwatch
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES.
2. Press
YES to start the stopwatch. Press YES againtostopit.
To reset the stopwatch
• Press
C when the stopwatch is not running.
Tip! By pressing # when the stopwatch is running, you can store up to 9 lap
times. Press
u or d to check your stored lap times.
Note! If you receive an incoming call or voice or text message while the
stopwatch is running, the stopwatch is turned off. If you exit the stopwatch
menu, the stopwatch is turned off.
The phone has a built-in 24-hour timer. You set the time you want and when
that time is out, an alert signal sounds.
To set the timer
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES.
2. Enter the time and press
The countdown begins. The timer is shown in standby mode.
When the alert sounds, press any key to turn it off.