38 Your Voice Mail Service
To call your Voice Mail Service
• Scroll to
, YES,
Call Voice Mail
, YES.
Tip! You can also call your Voice Mail Service by pressing and holding 1
from standby.
To change your Voice Mail number
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES,
Voice Mail No.,
2. Press and hold
C to delete the existing number.
3. Enter your new Voice Mail number and press
To change the message alert signal
1. Scroll to
, YES,
, YES,
Message Alert
, YES.
2. Select the signal you want.
Tip! If you subscribe to the Two Line Service, you may have different Voice
Mail numbers for your two lines. You may also set different options for the two
lines. For example, you canset all incoming calls onLine 1to be forwardedto
your Voice Mail and let all incoming calls on Line 2 be connected.
Further information about your Voice Mail Service can be found in the
operating instructions supplied by your network operator.
Changing Number and Signal