A/V Mute
button, 53
display settings, 106
Access Point mode, 69 to 79
Access point, checking IP address of, 76 to 77
Accessories, 12 to 13
Ad Hoc mode, 62 to 68
Air filter
cleaning, 122 to 124
ordering, 12
replacing, 125 to 126
AirPort, configuring for wireless, 67 to 68,
77 to 79
Altitude, 108, 136, 159
Anti-theft device, 13, 19, 150 to 151
Aspect ratio, 156
connecting equipment, 32 to 34
controlling volume, 54
problems, troubleshooting, 142 to 143
turning off (using A/V Mute), 53
Authentication, 88 to 89
Auto Setup setting, 98
Background screen settings, 106
Bands, vertical, 141
Blackboard color mode, 49
Blank screen, 42 to 44
Blurry image, 140 to 141
Brightness, 155
Brightness control, 101
Brightness setting, 96
Cable cover, 151 to 152
BNC to VGA, 22
component, 13, 24, 28
composite, 24, 26
HDMI, 25
illustrations, 16
network, 37
ordering, 12 to 13
remote control cable set, 12
security, 150
S-video, 13, 27
VGA, 20, 29
Capturing image, 105
Ceiling mount, 13, 149 to 150
Certificate validation, 89
Chalkboard, projecting on, 49
air filter, 122 to 124
lens, 122
projector case, 122
Closed captions, 107
correcting, 49, 96 to 98
multi-screen adjustment, 109
problems, 142
saturation, 96
settings, 96 to 97
temperature, 97
Color Mode, 49, 96
Component video cable, 13, 24, 28
Composite video cable, 24, 26
connecting to, 19 to 23
selecting source, 42