A.5 Create a temporary variable
To create a temporary variable that you can use in building a calculation, do the following:
1. From the Edit User-defined Calculation window, click Edit Temporary Variables.
The Edit Temporary Variables window displays, showing all the temporary variables
that have been created so far for the user-defined calculation.
2. Click Insert.
A new row will be added to the table.
To delete a variable from this window, select it in the table and click Delete.
3. Double-click the Name cell and enter a name for the variable.
4. Use the Comment cell to store information that is relevant for the variable.
5. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
To save the changes without closing the window, click Save.
A.6 Insert a system variable
To insert a system variable into the Expression Editor, do the following:
From the Edit User-defined Calculation window, click on the System Variables drop-down
For a demonstration of how to use the context-sensitive variable selector, see Section 1.11.
The selected system variable displays in the System Variables drop-down box and in the
Expression Editor.
Custom calculations