
Baud Rate The baud rate setting. Options are: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400,
and 57600.
For high performing PCs, set the baud rate to 38400. If you experience a
communications failure at this rate, set the baud rate to 9600. Baud rate
settings less than 9600 may result in real-time delivery that is
unacceptably slow.
Data Bits The number of data bits. Options are 7 (ASCII) and 8 (RTU). The default
setting is 8.
Stop Bit The number of stop bits. The only setting is 1.
Parity The parity check method. For use with the ASCII protocol only. Options
are None (default), Even and Odd.
HW Flow
Allows you to enable or disable hardware handshaking signals (RTS/
MAP File Points to the file that contains the registers that should be used.
Port Allows you to set the type of protocol to be used for the port: RS232 or
If the port is set to RS485, additional configuration steps are required;
see your GC manual for more information.
4.11.1 Create or edit registers
You can map GC data to Modbus registers and generate MAP files, which can then be
associated with communications ports.
For a list of variable assignments made to all registers, consult the "Communication"
section of the GC Config Report, which can be accessed from the Logs/Reports menu.
To map GC data to Modbus registers, do the following:
1. Select Communication... from the Application menu.
The Communication window appears.
2. Click Registers.
The Modbus Map Editor window appears.
3. To view or edit registers that are contained in an existing MAP file, click on the Select
MAP File drop-down list and select the appropriate file.
The registers will load into the table.
Not all parts of a MAP file can be edited. The parts that can be edited are white; the read-only
parts are turquoise.
4. To edit a cell, double-click it.
You can edit the following parameters: