If one of the scaled floating point options is chosen, the Zero Scale
and Full Scale values for that option will display in the appropriate
column cells.
SIM_2251 registers use only the FLOAT data type.
Variable(s) Displays the variable(s) whose value is to be stored in the register.
To change the variable, see Section 4.11.3.
Access Determines whether the register will be read-only (RD_ONLY) or
read/write (RD_WR).
7. To copy the component settings from a highlighted row and apply them to the next
row, click C + Copy.
This feature also increments the Component value to the next available component
(e.g., incrementing from Ammonia to Benzene), per the GC application. An error
message displays when the last available component is reached.
8. To copy the stream settings from a highlighted row and apply them to the next row,
click S + Copy.
This feature also increments the Stream value to the next available stream (e.g.,
incrementing from Stream 2 to Stream 3), per the GC application. An error message
displays when the last available stream is reached.
9. To delete a row, click Delete.
10. To insert a row, click Insert.
11. To check for conflicting register assignments, click Check.
MON2020 will check the table and if it encounters a conflict it will display the
following message:
Review the table to locate the conflicting registers and change one.
12. To save the MAP file, do the following:
a. Click Export.
MON2020 validates the table for errors—for instance, ensuring that no two
registers share a register number. If any errors are found MON2020 displays the
appropriate error message. When no errors are found, the Save As window
b. Enter a new name for the file or select the file that you want to overwrite.