Discrete outputs have two states: ON (active) and OFF (inactive). Two different voltage
levels are used to represent these states. Discrete Output Polarity controls which voltage level
represents which state.
Set Discrete Output Polarity as desired.
The default setting is Active High.
Options for Discrete Output Polarity
Options for Discrete Output PolarityTable 6-9:
Polarity Description
Active High
• When asserted (condition tied to DO is
true), the circuit provides a pull-up to 24 V.
• When not asserted (condition tied to DO is
false), the circuit provides 0 V.
Active Low
• When asserted (condition tied to DO is
true), the circuit provides 0 V.
• When not asserted (condition tied to DO is
false), the circuit provides a pull-up to 24 V.
Integrate the meter with the control system
Configuration and Use Manual 87