4.1.2 Configure Flow Damping
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Flow > Flow Damp
ProLink III Device Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Flow Damping
Damping is used to smooth out small, rapid fluctuations in process measurement. Damping
Value specifies the time period (in seconds) over which the transmitter will spread changes
in the reported process variable. At the end of the interval, the reported process variable
will reflect 63% of the change in the actual measured value.
Set Flow Damping to the value you want to use.
The default value is 0.8 seconds. The range depends on the core processor type and the
setting of Update Rate, as shown in the following table.
Core processor type
Update Rate setting Flow Damping range
0 to 51.2 seconds
0 to 10.24 seconds
Enhanced Not applicable 0 to 51.2 seconds
• A high damping value makes the process variable appear smoother because the reported value
changes slowly.
• A low damping value makes the process variable appear more erratic because the reported value
changes more quickly.
• The combination of a high damping value and rapid, large changes in flow rate can result in
increased measurement error.
• Whenever the damping value is non-zero, the reported measurement will lag the actual
measurement because the reported value is being averaged over time.
• In general, lower damping values are preferable because there is less chance of data loss, and less
lag time between the actual measurement and the reported value.
• For gas applications, Micro Motion recommends setting Flow Damping to 2.56 or higher.
The value you enter is automatically rounded down to the nearest valid value. Valid
damping values are shown in the following table.
Configure process measurement
26 Micro Motion
Model 1500 Transmitters with Analog Outputs