Date Version Type Change
Operating in-
The display start/stop totalizers function can be
enabled or disabled
Petroleum measurement application improve-
Live zero available as display variable
Increased options for fault output settings
New cryogenic application temperature algo-
Adjustment Improved frequency output stability and unit
Improved the handling of volume flow rate when
slug flow is detected
Improved handling of density values and calibra-
tions during fault conditions
Display configuration, screen flow and optical
switch changes
HART communication and burst mode improve-
Feature Petroleum measurement application added
Custody transfer option added to Configurable I/
O option board
HART polling for external pressure/temperature
06/2003 4.x Expansion Added support for the Model 1500 transmitter 20000325 C
20000150 C
3600647 C
20000148 B
20001715 A
Additional variables displayed by the
Model 1700 transmitter
Adjustment Improved the handling of certain alarm condi-
Clarified the behavior of certain Modbus calibra-
tion coils
Clarified the interaction between certain density
measurement units and density cutoff values
Improved the handling of the mA source setting
via the display
Improvements to pressure and temperature
HART Tri-Loop and other communication im-
Clarified the value returned by Modbus scaled in-
teger registers during a fault condition
Feature Discrete values now available through Modbus
NE 53 history
246 Micro Motion
Model 1500 Transmitters with Analog Outputs