
Initial Configuration
Configuring Stacking
Page 45
6. On the Startup Menu, press “6”.
The following Stack Menu is displayed:
7. To Set a unit number press “1” on the Stack Menu.
The following prompt is displayed:
8. Enter the first stacking port.
9. Enter the second stacking port.
10. Press <Enter>. The device is defined within the stack.
11. To change stacking ports press “2” on the Stack Menu.
The following prompt is displayed:
12. Enter the first stacking port.
13. Enter the second stacking port.
14. Press <Enter>. The device is defined within the stack.
15. For a stack info press “3” on the Stack Menu.
The following prompt is displayed:
Stack menu
[1] Set unit number in stack
[2] Change stacking ports
[3] Stack info
[4] Back
Enter your choice or press 'ESC' to exit:
Enter your choice or press 'ESC' to exit:
Unit number in stack: [0-8,0 marks standalone unit] 1
Stacking Ports List - 1 2
Change stacking ports.
Enter #1 stacking port (valid range 1-48 and 49-50) use 'k' to keep
current setting (port 1):49
Enter #2 stacking port (valid range 1-48 and 49-50) use 'k' to keep
current setting (port 2):50
==== Press Enter To Continue ====
Enter your choice or press 'ESC' to exit:
Stacking Ports List - 1 2
Change stacking ports.
Enter #1 stacking port (valid range 1-48 and 49-50) use 'k' to keep
current setting (port 1):
Enter #2 stacking port (valid range 1-48 and 49-50) use 'k' to keep
current setting (port 2):
==== Press Enter To Continue ====
Enter your choice or press 'ESC' to exit:
Stack Info:
Unit stack ID - 1
Stacking Ports List - 49 50
==== Press Enter To Continue ====