
DXS/DWS 3200 Series User Guide
Page 288
Defining SNTP Authentication
The SNTP Authentication Page provides parameters for defining the means by which the SNTP server is authen-
ticated. To define SNTP authentication:
1. Click System > SNTP > Authentication. The SNTP Authentication Page opens:
Figure 190:SNTP Authentication Page
The SNTP Authentication Page contains the following fields:
Enable SNTP Authentication — Indicates if authenticating an SNTP session between the device and an
SNTP server is enabled on the device. The possible field values are:
Checked — Authenticates SNTP sessions between the device and SNTP server.
Unchecked — Disables authenticating SNTP sessions between the device and SNTP server.
Encryption Key ID Indicates if the encryption key identification is used to authenticate the SNTP server
and device. The field value is up to 4294967295.
Authentication Key Indicates the key used for authentication.
Trusted Key Indicates the encryption key used (Unicast/Anycast) or elected (Broadcast) to authenticate
the SNTP server.
Remove — Removes Encryption Key IDs. The possible field values are:
Checked Removes the selected Encryption Key ID.
Unchecked Maintains the Encryption Key IDs. This is the default value.
2. To enable SNTP Authentication, select Enable SNTP Authentication and click . SNTP Authentica-
tion is defined, and the device is updated.