Initial Configuration
Booting the Switch
Page 33
As the switch boots, the bootup test first counts the device memory availability and then continues to boot. The fol-
lowing screen is an example of the displayed POST.
The boot process runs approximately 30 seconds.
The auto-boot message that appears at the end of POST (see the last lines) indicates that no problems were
encountered during boot.
During boot, the Startup menu can be accessed if necessary to run special procedures. To enter the Startup menu,
press <Esc> or <Enter> within the first two seconds after the auto-boot message is displayed. For information on
the Startup menu, see "Startup Menu Functions."
If the system boot is not interrupted by pressing <Esc> or <Enter>, the system continues operation by decom-
pressing and loading the code into RAM. The code starts running from RAM and the list of numbered system ports
and their states (up or down) are displayed.
------ Performing the Power-On Self Test (POST) ------
UART Channel Loopback Test........................PASS
Testing the System SDRAM..........................PASS
Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS
BOOT Software Version x.x.x.xx Built 07-Jan-200x 10:53:05
Processor: xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx, xx MByte SDRAM.
I-Cache 8 KB. D-Cache 8 KB. Cache Enabled.
Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.