Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 19
CEE Command Line Interface
The CEE CLI accepts abbreviations for commands. This example is the abbreviation for the show
qos interface all command.
switch#sh q i a
If the switch does not recognize a command after Enter is pressed, an error message displays.
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
If an incomplete command is entered, an error message displays.
% Incomplete command.
CEE CLI command completion
To automatically complete the spelling of commands or keywords, begin typing the command or
keyword and then press Tab. For example, at the CLI command prompt type te and press Tab:
The CLI displays:
If there is more than one command or keyword associated with the characters typed, the CEE CLI
displays all choices. For example, at the CLI command prompt type show l and press Tab:
switch#show l
The CLI displays:
switch#show l
lacp line lldp
CEE CLI command output modifiers
You can filter the output of the CEE CLI show commands using the output modifiers described in
Table 5.
TABLE 5 CEE CLI command output modifiers
Output modifier Description
redirect Redirects the command output to the specified file.
include Displays the command output that includes the specified expression.
exclude Displays the command output that excludes the specified expression.
append Appends the command output to the specified file.
begin Displays the command output that begins with the specified expression.
last Displays only the last few lines of the command output.
tee Redirects the command output to the specified file. Note that this modifier also
displays the command output.