Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 107
Converged Enhanced Ethernet map configuration
Once the multicast traffic class equivalence mapping has been applied, then scheduling and any
scheduler configuration are inherited from the equivalent unicast traffic class. See Table 20 on
page 105 for details on exact mapping equivalencies.
Unicast ingress and egress queueing utilizes a hybrid scheduler that simultaneously supports
SP+WRR service and multiple physical queues with the same service level. Multicast adds
additional multicast expansion queues. Because multicast traffic classes are equivalent to unicast
service levels, they're treated exactly as their equivalent unicast service policies.
Scheduling the QoS multicast queue
To schedule the QoS multicast queue, perform the following steps from Privileged EXEC mode.
1. Enter global configuration mode.
switch#configure terminal
2. Specify the schedule to use and the traffic class to bandwidth mapping.
switch(config)#qos queue multicast scheduler dwrr 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30
The following example sets the multicast Traffic Class frame expansion scheduler for Traffic
Class 0 through 6 getting 10 percent bandwidth and Traffic Class 7 getting 30 percent
switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)#qos queue multicast scheduler dwrr 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30
3. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.
switch#copy running-config startup-config
Converged Enhanced Ethernet map configuration
The CEE QoS covers frame classification, priority and traffic class (queue) mapping, congestion
control, and scheduling. Under the CEE Provisioning model all of these features are configured
utilizing two configuration tables, Priority Group Table and Priority Table.
CEE Priority Group Table defines each Priority Group ID (PGID) and its scheduling policy (Strict
Priority versus DWRR, DWRR weight, relative priority), and partially defines the congestion control
(PFC) configuration. There are 16 rows in the CEE Priority Group Table. Table 22 presents the
default CEE Priority Group Table configuration.
TABLE 21 Multicast traffic class equivalence mapping (Continued)
Multicast traffic class Equivalent unicast traffic class