14 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide
CEE Command Line Interface
The CEE configuration is not affected by configUpload and configDownload commands entered in
the Fabric OS shell.
Saving your configuration changes
Any configuration changes made to the switch are written into the running-config file. This is a
dynamic file that is lost when the switch reboots. During the boot sequence, the switch resets all
configuration settings to the values in the startup-config file.
To make your changes permanent, you must use either the write memory command or the copy
command to commit the running-config file to the startup--config file.
Saving configuration changes with the copy command
Perform this task from Privileged EXEC mode.
1. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.
switch#copy running-config startup-config
Saving configuration changes with the write command
Perform this task from Privileged EXEC mode.
1. Enter the write memory command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.
switch# write memory
Overwrite the startup config file (y/n): y
Building configuration...
CEE CLI RBAC permissions
Role-Based Action Control (RBAC) defines the capabilities that a user account has based on the
role the account has been assigned. Table 2 displays the permissions matrix for CEE. Permissions
are specifically defined as follows:
• OM—When you enter the cmsh command, you are put directly into Privileged EXEC mode.
• O—When you enter the cmsh command, you are limited to EXEC mode.
• N—You are not allowed access to the CEE CLI.
TABLE 2 CEE RBAC permissions
Root Factory UserID User Operator SwitchAdmin FabricAdmin ZoneAdmin BasicSwitchAdmin SecurityAdmin
O = observe, OM = observe and modify, N = access not allowed