1-28 MP1600 Microportable Projector
Writer: Marianne Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 11/08/99 5:08 PM
Part Number:383706-001 File name: BkCh1.doc
Replacing the Projector Lamp Module
When the projector lamp reaches its end of life, it may pop when
it burns out. The lamp will need to be replaced before the
projector can be used again.
When the lamp reaches its end of life, it may pop
or rupture. To reduce the risk of personal injury, be careful
when removing the lamp cover as broken glass may be
present. Never open the lamp cover while the projector is
operating or when the lamp is hot.
The projector will alert you when the lamp approaches its failure
mode or end of life. When the message “Lamp May Fail Soon -
Replacement Suggested” displays on the projection screen, you
should change the lamp as soon as possible. Contact your local
Compaq authorized dealer, seller, or reseller to purchase a spare
lamp or have the lamp changed.