1-24 MP1600 Microportable Projector
Writer: Marianne Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 11/08/99 5:08 PM
Part Number:383706-001 File name: BkCh1.doc
Digital Conversion—Improves picture stability of user modes
by adjusting:
Clock—Increase/decrease the value to stretch or shrink the
image on the screen.
Clock Phase—Increase/decrease the value to minimize
video distortion or video jitter.
If the projector image becomes distorted when adjusting the
Clock and Clock Phase values, continue adjusting the values
until the distortion disappears. To restore the factory settings,
select Factory Reset in the on-screen menu, or press the
Resync button.
Language—Select display from six languages in their native
spelling. The current language is highlighted. Select another
language to display all menu functions in that language.
Menu Location—Positions the on-screen menu at a
convenient location on the projector screen; moves up and
down, left and right.
Management—Allows the user to control power saver
characteristics of the display, or to view the cumulative lamp
hours, reset the lamp hour timer, view the unit’s serial
number, or perform a Master Reset.
Factory Reset—Resets the current operating option to its
original factory setting.