1-4 MP1600 Microportable Projector
Writer: Marianne Silvetti Saved by: Marianne Silvetti Saved date: 11/08/99 5:08 PM
Part Number:383706-001 File name: BkCh1.doc
Connecting the Projector to a
Portable Computer
1. Connect one end of the projector signal cable to the projector
and the other end to the VGA connector
or the DFP
on the portable computer and tighten the
screws. Use the VGA cable OR the DFP cable; do not connect
both cables.
Be sure the signal cable aligns with the connector. Do not
force the cable onto the connector or you may damage the
signal cable or the projector.
2. Connect one end of the power cord
into the back of the
projector, and the other end to an electrical outlet that is easily
accessible and close to the projector.
For more information on setting up the projector with a
portable computer, see the white paper “Compaq MP1600
Microportable Projector and the Armada Graphics/Video
Capabilities” included on the CD-ROM.