Product Information
System Unit Rear Panel Connectors
Serial Input/Output Connectors
There are a variety of pointing devices (mouse or trackball) or peripheral
devices that can attach to the Serial Input/Output (SIO) ports on the worksta-
tion. Peripheral devices include printers, plotters, modems, and scanners.
Consult the documentation that accompanies each peripheral device for spe-
cific information concerning its use.
The SIO ports are programmable, allowing functions such as bit rate, char-
acter length, parity, and stop bits to be set. The SIO Ports are used as inter-
faces for serial asynchronous devices to the CPU. The ports operate at up to
a 460.8 K baud rate.
Table 5 shows the SIO connector pin listings. The serial connectors are 9-pin
D-sub connectors. Signal names are those specified in the EIA RS-232 stan-
Table 5 Serial I/O Pins
Pin No. Signal Description
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD Receive Data
3 TXD Transmit Data
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 GND Ground
6 DSR Data Set Ready
7 RTS Request To Send
8 CTS Clear To Send
9 RI Ring Indicator