The Boot Console Interface
Boot Console Interface Features
------ Configuration Menu --------------------------------------------
Command Description
------- -----------
AUto [BOot|SEArch] [ON|OFF] Display or set specified auto flag
BootID [<proc>] [<boot ID>] Display or modify processor boot ID
BootINfo Display boot-related information
BootTimer [0 - 200] Seconds allowed for boot attempt
CPUconfig {<proc>] [ON|OFF] Config/deconfig processor
DEfault Set the system to predefined values
FastBoot [ON|OFF] Display or set boot tests execution
LanConfig [<params>] Display or set LAN configuration
MOnitor [LIST|<path> <type>] Change the current monitor type
PAth [PRI|ALT|CON|KEY] [<path>] Display or modify a path
SEArch [DIsplay|IPL] [<path>] Search for boot devices
SECure [ON|OFF] Set/show security mode
TIme [c:y:m:d:h:m:[s] Read or set real time clock in GMT
BOot [PRI|ALT|<path>] Boot from specified path
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [<menu>|<command>] Display help for menu or command
RESET Restart the system
MAin Return to Main Menu
Configuration Menu: Enter command >