iconize To turn a window or shell into
an icon. See also icon.
Initial System Loader The program
that actually controls the loading of the
operating system.
input device Any of several pieces of
hardware equipment used to give infor-
mation to a system. Examples are the
keyboard and the mouse. See also out-
put device.
input window The window that dis-
plays a program’s prompt and any com-
mands typed but not yet executed.
internet protocol address (IP ad-
dress) A string of characters that
uniquely identifies a workstation in a
network. Also referred to as the IP ad-
dress, the system name, and the host
invisible filename A filename in which
the first character is a dot (.). Invisible
filenames are not displayed by the listing
commands such as ls and ll without add
options, such as -a.
IP address See internet protocol ad-
ISL See Initial System Loader.
kernel The part of the operating system
that is an executable piece of code re-
sponsible for managing the computer’s
resources. The kernel controls the rest of
the operating system.
LAN See local area network.
LAN station address See local area
network station address.
link n. A special object that contains the
name of another object. When you spec-
ify a link as a pathname or part of a path-
name, the system substitutes the
pathname that the link contains.
v. To join together two or more objects.
local area network (LAN) A data
communications system that allows a
number of independent devices to com-
municate with each other. The systems
and clusters that share data, hardware,
and software resources via Networking
Services software.
local area network system address
The label that uniquely identifies the lo-
cal area network (LAN) connection for
your workstation at the hardware level.
log in To initially sign on to the system
so that you may begin to use it. This cre-
ates your first user process. See also
login directory The directory in which
you are placed when you log in, usually
your home directory. See also home di-
Login Manager The program that con-
trols the initial startup of HP VUE and
accepts the user’s username and pass-
login script The shell program that runs
at each login, and sets the login environ-
ment for your system.