23 Defines an enumerated data type called rx_filter. The if_el device
driver can assign one of the following values to CMD_FILTER:
Individual address
Group address
Broadcast address
Promiscuous address
24 Defines the receive (RX) early threshold command.
25 Defines the transmit (TX) available threshold command.
26 Defines the transmit (TX) start threshold command.
27 Defines the statistics enable command.
28 Defines the statistics disable command.
29 Defines the stop 10Base2 Ethernet cable command.
30 Defines the receive (RX) reclaim threshold command.
31 Defines the power-up command.
32 Defines the power-down command.
33 Defines the power-auto command.
2.3 Window 0 Configuration Register Offset Definitions
The window 0 configuration registers include such registers as manufacturer
ID and adapter ID, as shown in Figure 2–1.
2–4 Defining Device Register Offsets