• Writing Device Drivers contains information that you need to develop
device drivers on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system.
• Writing Kernel Modules describes topics for all kernel modules
such as kernel threads and writing kernel modules in a symmetric
multiprocessing (SMP) environment.
• Writing PCI Bus Device Drivers describes PCI bus-specific topics,
including PCI bus architecture and data structures that PCI bus device
drivers use.
• Writing VMEbus Device Drivers describes VMEbus-specific topics,
including VMEbus architecture and routines that VMEbus device
drivers use.
• The Guide to Preparing Product Kits describes how to create kernel
(device driver) product kits and layered product kits.
• Kernel Debugging describes how to use the
dbx, kdbx, and kdebug
debuggers to find problems in kernel code. It also describes how to write
a kdbx utility extension and how to create and analyze a crash dump file.
• Programming Support Tools describes several commands and utilities in
the Tru64 UNIX system, including facilities for text manipulation, macro
and program generation, and source file management.
• The Programmer’s Guide describes the programming environment of the
Tru64 UNIX operating system, with an emphasis on the C programming
• The Network Programmer’s Guide describes the Tru64 UNIX network
programming environment and provides information on STREAMS
• System Administration describes how to configure, use, and maintain
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
Reference Pages
Tru64 UNIX reference pages (also called manpages) contain descriptions of
the routines (Section 9r), data structures (Section 9s), loadable services
routines (Section 9u), and global variables (Section 9v) that apply to device
Reader’s Comments
Compaq welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this and
other Tru64 UNIX manuals.
You can send your comments in the following ways:
• Fax: 603-884-0120 Attn: UBPG Publications, ZKO3-3/Y32
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