
About This Manual
This manual discusses how to write network device drivers for computer
systems that run the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system.
This manual is intended for systems engineers who:
Use standard library routines to develop programs in the C language
Know the Bourne shell or some other shell that is based on the UNIX
operating system
Understand basic Tru64 UNIX concepts such as kernel, shell, process,
configuration, and autoconfiguration
Understand how to use the Tru64 UNIX programming tools, compilers,
and debuggers
Develop programs in an environment that involves dynamic memory
allocation, linked list data structures, and multitasking
Understand the hardware device for which the driver is being written
Understand the basics of the CPU hardware architecture, including
interrupts, direct memory access (DMA) operations, and I/O
Before you write a network device driver, we recommend that you be familiar
with the networking subsystem that the Tru64 UNIX operating system
provides. This manual assumes that you are familiar with the following
network interface types:
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
Token Ring
See the Tru64 UNIX Technical Overview for descriptions of the data link
This manual also assumes that you have some knowledge of the Tru64 UNIX
network programming environment, particularly:
Data link provider interface
X/Open transport interface
About This Manual xi