
Cisco TelePresence System Release 1.4 Administrator’s Guide
Appendix A Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands
Ending a CLI Session
Step 1 From a remote system, use SSH to connect securely to CTMS. In the SSH client, enter the following
information: ssh adminname@IP Address
adminname is the Admin ID
IP Address is the IP address of CTMS
Step 2 When the system prompts you, enter the password.
Step 3 The CLI prompt (admin) displays. You can now enter any CLI command.
Note The prompt will always be “admin.”
CLI Command Basics
Enter the beginning of a command and press Tab to have the system complete the command for you.
Enter a full command and press Tab to display all commands or subcommands that are available. If
you press Tab and the current command line repeats, no additional expansions are available.
To get detailed help, enter help command name at the CLI prompt.
To get command syntax for a particular command, enter command name? at the CLI prompt
Ending a CLI Session
To end a CLI session:
Step 1 At the CLI prompt, enter quit.
CTMS CLI Commands
The following CLI commands are used with Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch:
confmgmt, page A-5
media GetDSCP, page A-6
set bad_ep_detect, page A-7
set commandcount, page A-8
set conferencetermination, page A-9
set cuvcdialrepeatinterval, page A-10
set cuvcdialrepeattime, page A-11
set damping, page A-12
set feedbackwaitbasetime, page A-13