Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921, 6941, 6945, and 6961 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.5 (SCCP and SIP)
Status Menu
To display the Call Statistics screen for information about the latest voice stream, follow these steps:
Step 1 Press the Applications button.
Step 2 Select Admin Settings.
Step 3 Select Status.
Step 4 Select Call Statistics.
The Call Statistics screen displays these items:
Table 7-4 Call Statistics Items for the Cisco Unified Phone 6900 Series
Item Description
Rcvr Codec Type of voice stream received (RTP streaming audio from codec): G.729, G.711
u-law, G.711 A-law, G.722 (only on 6945 phone).
Sender Codec Type of voice stream transmitted (RTP streaming audio from codec): G.729, G.711
u-law, G.711 A-law, G.722 (only on 6945 phone).
Rcvr Size Size of voice packets, in milliseconds, in the receiving voice stream (RTP
streaming audio).
Sender Size Size of voice packets, in milliseconds, in the transmitting voice stream.
Rcvr Packets Number of RTP voice packets received since voice stream was opened.
Note This number is not necessarily identical to the number of RTP voice
packets received since the call began because the call might have been
placed on hold.
Sender Packets Number of RTP voice packets transmitted since voice stream was opened.
Note This number is not necessarily identical to the number of RTP voice
packets transmitted since the call began because the call might have been
placed on hold.
Avg Jitter Estimated average RTP packet jitter (dynamic delay that a packet encounters
when going through the network) observed since the receiving voice stream was
Max Jitter Maximum jitter observed since the receiving voice stream was opened.
Rcvr Discarded Number of RTP packets in the receiving voice stream that have been discarded
(bad packets, too late, and so on).
Note The phone will discard payload type 19 comfort noise packets that are
generated by Cisco Gateways, which will increment this counter.
Rcvr Lost Packets Missing RTP packets (lost in transit).
Voice Quality Metrics
Conceal Ratio
Total number of concealment frames divided by total number of speech frames
received from start of the voice stream.