Controlling the Number of Displayed List Columns
You can use the following procedures to control how many list columns appear on the
Statistics application window. You can select 2, 3, or 4 columns.
To specify the number of columns for the list display
On the Stat Editor window, tap
(two columns),
(three columns) or
(four columns)
to specify the width. You will need to tap the arrow button on the right end of the toolbar to
see the icons.
• You can also specify the number of display cells using the [Cell Width Pattern] setting on the
[Special] tab of the Graph Format dialog box (page 1-9-6).
• When you have the Stat Editor window displayed along with a second window, you can make the
Stat Editor window active and then tap the
button on the icon panel to expand the Stat Editor
window to fill the entire display. For more information, see “Using a Dual Window Display” on
page 1-5-1.
Clearing All Stat Editor Data
Use the following procedure to initialize the Stat Editor and clear all currently displayed data.
Following this procedure, the Stat Editor shows six empty lists, named list1 through list6.
• Performing the following procedure clears all the data from Stat Editor window list1 through
list6 and any additional lists currently in memory.
To clear all stat editor data
(1) On the Stat Editor window, tap [Edit] and then [Clear All].
(2) On the confirmation dialog box that appears, tap [OK] to clear the all list data or [Cancel]
to cancel the clear operation.
• After you tap [OK], the Stat Editor window shows six empty lists (three lists visible on
the ClassPad display at a time), named list1 through list6.
Using Stat Editor