u cmpdN
Function: Returns the number of compound periods.
Syntax: cmpdN (
Example: cmpdN (6,−1000,0,120,1,1)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Compound Interest][cmpdN]
u cmpdPmt
Function: Returns equal input/output values (payment amounts for installment
payments, deposit amounts for savings) for a fixed period.
Syntax: cmpdPmt (
Example: cmpdPmt (4,6,−1000,120,1,1)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Compound Interest][cmpdPmt]
u cmpdPV
Function: Returns the present value (loan amount for installment payments, principal
for savings).
Syntax: cmpdPV (
Example: cmpdPV (4,6,0,120,1,1)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Compound Interest][cmpdPV]
Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal)
For the meaning of each argument, see “Cash Flow” (page 15-4-1).
u cashIRR
Function: Returns the internal rate of return.
Syntax: cashIRR (Cash)
Example: list1 = {−1000,100,200,300,400,500}
cashIRR (list1)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Cash Flow]
Using the Action Menu