u priceMargin
Function: Returns the margin based on a specified cost and selling price.
Syntax: priceMargin (Cost,Sell)
Example: priceMargin (40,100)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Cost/Sell/Margin][priceMargin]
Day Count
For the meaning of each argument, see “Day Count” (page 15-8-1).
u dayCount
Function: Returns the number of days from a specified d1 to specified d2.
Syntax: dayCount (MM1,DD1,YYYY1,MM2,DD2,YYYY2)
Example: dayCount (3,21,2005,6,28,2005)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][dayCount]
Bond Calculation
For the meaning of each argument, see “Bond Calculation” (page 15-10-1).
u bondPriceDate
Function: Returns in list form bond prices based on specified conditions.
Syntax: bondPriceDate (MM1,DD1,YYYY1,MM2,DD2,YYYY2,RDV,CPN,YLD) =
Example: bondPriceDate (6,1,2004,12,15,2006,100,3,4)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Bond Calculation][bondPriceDate]
u bondPriceTerm
Function: Returns in list form bond prices based on specified conditions.
Syntax: bondPriceTerm (N,RDV,CPN,YLD) = {PRC,INT,CST}
Example: bondPriceTerm (5,100,3,4)
Menu Item: [Action][Financial][Bond Calculation][bondPriceTerm]
Using the Action Menu