Quantity Conversion
15-16 Quantity Conversion
Quantity Conversion lets you calculate the number of items sold, selling price, or sales
amount given the other two values. It also lets you calculate the number of items
manufactured, unit variable cost, or total variable cost given the other two values.
Quantity Conversion Fields
The following fields appear on the Quantity Conversion calculation page.
Field Description
SAL Amount obtained from sales
PRC Selling price per unit
QTY Number of units sold
VC Variable cost for this level of production
VCU Variable cost per unit
QTY Number of units manufactured
Example 1
Calculate the sales quantity (Sales: [QTY]) when the sales amount ([SAL]) is $100,000 and
the sales price ([PRC]) is $200 per unit.
• You can also calculate the sales amount ([SAL]) or sales price ([PRC]) by inputting the
other two values and tapping the button for the result you want.