Viewing Regression Calculation Results
To view regression calculation results, tap [Calc] on the menu bar and then tap the type of
calculation results you want.
Performing Statistical Calculations
• You can also use the [DispStat] option to display the last calculated statistical results. For
details about regression calculation results, see “7-5 Graphing Paired-Variable Statistical
Residual Calculation
Residual calculation calculates the distance (residual) between the regression model and an
actual plotted point (
-coordinates) during regression calculations.
ClassPad Operation
(2) Input the data you want into a list.
(3) Tap [Calc] and then [Linear Reg].
(4) On the dialog box that appears, tap the [Copy Residual] down arrow button, and then
select [On] or the list into which you want to copy the residual values.
• Values assigned to the “residual” system variable shows the vertical distances between
actually plotted points and the regression model.
• A positive value indicates a plot that is higher than the regression model, while a negative
value indicates a plot that is lower.
• Whenever the [Copy Residual] setting is configured as described above, the ClassPad
automatically assigns residual data to a system variable named “residual” when you
perform a regression calculation. You can use the following procedure to view the current
“residual” system variable values.
Linear regression
Linear Reg
MedMed Line
Quadratic regression
Quadratic Reg
Cubic regression
Cubic Reg
Quartic regression
Quartic Reg
Logarithmic regression
Logarithmic Reg
Exponential regression (
y = a·e
Exponential Reg
Exponential regression (
y = a·b
abExponential Reg
Power regression
Power Reg
Sinusoidal regression
Sinusoidal Reg
Logistic regression
Logistic Reg
Tap this option:
To view these calculation results: