To do this:
Tap this
Or select this
menu item:
Specify “AND Plot” as the inequality plot setting —
- Inequality Plot -
Specify “OR Plot” as the inequality plot setting —
- Inequality Plot -
Re-draw a graph —
- ReDraw
Make the Graph Editor window active
Generate a number table for an existing graph
Display the View Window dialog box to configure Graph
window settings
- View Window
Display the Table Input dialog box for configuring settings
Pan the Graph window
Display the Variable Manager (page 1-8-1) —
- Variable
Generate a summary table for an existing graph
Table Window Menus and Buttons
To do this:
Tap this
Or select this
menu item:
Cut the character string selected in the message box
and place it onto the clipboard
— Edit - Cut
Copy the character string selected in the message box
to the clipboard
— Edit - Copy
Paste the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor
position in the message box
— Edit - Paste
Select all of the text in the message box — Edit - Select All
Clear all of the Table window contents — Edit - Clear All
Delete a line from a table — T-Fact - Delete
Insert a line into a table — T-Fact - Insert
Add a line after the currently selected line — T-Fact - Add
Draw a connect type graph using a generated table
Graph - G-Connect
Draw a plot type graph using a generated table
Graph - G-Plot
Save the contents of a table to a list —
- Table to List
Re-generate a table based on current table settings —
- ReTable
Delete the displayed table —
- Delete Table
Move the pointer to the location on a graph that
corresponds to the value selected in a table
- Link
Graph & Table Application Overview