Responding to Error Messages
What to check on the network as a whole
Does your network include a router or similar device that
serves as a gateway?
X If applicable, ask your network administrator for the network
gateway address and enter it on the camera (p.59, 64, 70, 109,
113, 118, 166).
X Make sure that the gateway address setting is correctly entered on
all network devices, including the camera.
What to check on the camera
Is another device on the camera network using the same IP
address as the camera?
X Change the camera’s IP address to avoid using the same address
as another device on the network. Otherwise, change the IP
address of the device that has a duplicate address.
X If the camera’s IP address is set to [Manual setting] in network
environments using a DHCP server, change the setting to [Auto
setting] (p.59, 64, 70, 109, 113, 118).
23: Duplicate IP address