
Prts of The French Press Coee Mker
Plunger – The br of the plunger
is mde of stinless steel. After
the 4minutes recommended
brewing time, you simply depress
the plunger with the tip of
your inger. The knob is mde
of het-resistnt plstic.
Sfety lid – BODUM®’s sfety lid
prevents the splshing of liquids.
Line the sfety lid so tht it is in
the closed position in line with the
pour spout. After the brewing hs
stopped, turn the sfety lid bck
nd enjoy your coee!
Spirl plte – The spirl plte
keeps the ilter mesh in plce
nd mkes sure tht wter goes
through but no ground coee. The
lexible spirl provides  universl
it tking into ccount the mnu-
fcturing tolernces of glss jugs.
Mesh – The ilter mesh is  key
component to the BODUM® Coee
Mkers. It seprtes the ground
coee bens from the wter fter
the brewing hs stopped.
Cross plte – The cross plte holds
the mesh in plce together with
the spirl plte.
Glss beker – French press coee
mkers feture  durble borosil-
icte beker. Borosilicte glss is
n outstnding mteril: It is ultr-
light nd strong, hs gret het
resistnt properties, nd will not
get cloudy in the dishwsher.
Metl frme – The originl
CHAMBORD Coee Mker fetures
 frme mde of chrome-plted,
durble stinless steel tht pro-
tects the glss beker from crcks
nd scrtches, s well s protect-
ing surfces from het dmge.
Hndle – The plstic hndle
provides het-resistnce nd
durbility. In other words, it keeps
your ingers from getting burnt.