
STEP 4 – Enjoy!
Press the plunger using your ingertips. Before
pressing, mke sure tht the sfety lid is turned
into the “sfe” position, so no splshing occurs.
Pressing down on the rod seprtes the grounds
from the wter nd stops the brewing process.
Voil! Your perfect cup of coee, brewed
“the BODUM® wy,” is redy to be served.
STEP 1 – Coee
Add 1 scoop (0.25oz/7gr) of BODUM® corse
ground coee per cup (4oz/0.12l) of wter.
Alwys use corse ground coee when using
 BODUM® French press coee mker.
STEP 3 – Press
Let the coee brew for 4 minutes. Plce the lid
on the pot with the plunger in the rised position.
Do not push the plunger down yet.
STEP 2 – Wter
To rech the perfect temperture of 195205°F/
9096°C, bring the wter to  full boil nd then
llow it to rest for 30 seconds before pouring.
Use  wooden or plstic utensil to crefully stir
the coee once you hve dded the wter. Mke
sure tht ll of the grounds re submerged.