
Becuse it is impossible to contin
ll pollutnt in its sources, BODUM®
Portugues hs instlled end pro-
cesses to tret, reduce or eliminte
the pollution chrge in its elu-
ents nd wstes. On these, we cn
1 – Wste Wter Tretment Plnt
All liquid eluents re seprted
ccording to their chrcteristics nd
treted s in btches
All pre-tretments nd inl tretments
re permnently monitored until the
dmissible vlues of dischrge re
The dischrge of BODUM® lines re
connected to  municipl wste wter
tretment plnt tht complements the
inl tretment.
The sludge generted in the wter tret-
ment re de-wtered by using recycled
ir of the pressed ir equipments.
2 – Wste Clssifiction nd Seprtion
All wstes generted in the plnt
re submitted to  proper seprtion,
clssiiction, hndling nd storge
until there re sent to the destintion.
All wste mngement is outsourced
to licensed entities, mening the proper
destintion hs s priority the recyclbility
of the wstes. Only two of the wstes
generted t Bodum must be eliminted
becuse the recycling limittions in
the mrket.
3 – Air Aspirtion System
The ir spirtion system is connected
to ll the pollution sources voiding
the pollutnts spred inside the plnt.
These systems ilter the ir before its
relese to the tmosphere.
In the plting line, besides the iltrtion, ll
the ir is wshed with wter in scrubbers.
In 2008, BODUM® Portugues hd
its recognition for ll the eorts
mde nd processes developed nd
implemented long the lst decdes,
by hving the Environmentl Permit
issued by the Portuguese Environment
The permit is mndtory nd directly
comes from the EC Directive 2008/1/EC
of Jnury 15 (IPPC).
According to this permit, BODUM® must
hve  permnent monitoring of the envi-
ronmentl indictors nd vlues so; it is
the gurntee of the legisltion fulilling,
good prctices nd procedures.
Sving wter
Recycling wter – only 20% of the totl
consume is fresh wter.
Consume control by introducing utomtic
vlves nd volume controllers.
Reducing drg-outs nd introduce
cscde rinsing between processes.
Extend the liquid bths life nd processes
to prevent the tretment need by using
iltrtion, evportion, ionic exchnge