Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
The AVU1500 can be interfaced to a computer or Home Automation
System with an available USB port or RS232 serial port. This document
describes how to use these interfaces to communicate with the AVU1500.
USB Report Descriptor Protocol (adapted to the RS232 interface)
In general, the communication protocol is based on the USB HID Interface
for Power Devices. If you are using a USB interface, you should be familiar
with the USB HID specification and the HID Power Device Usage tables.
These are available from: http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage.
The HID communication protocol has been adapted to the RS232 interface
as described in the next section.
This UPS Report Descriptor includes six items:
a. Power Configuration Controls
b. Power Controls
c. Power Generic Status
d. Power Device Identification
e. Power Measures
f. Battery System
Each Item corresponds with a Report ID, and each Report ID field is
predefined (Order, Byte #, Unit in each Report ID).
Serial Report Descriptor Protocol
RS232 Configuration:
• Baud: 2400
• Data: 8 bits
• Parity: None
• Start Bit: 1
Message Format (Binary):
Using Your AVU1500 with a
Home Automation System (optional)
Header Type Length Report ID Data Check Sum
1 byte 1 byte 1byte 1 byte 64 bytes max 1 byte
The header will be a ‘~’ character, 0x7E in hex.
0x01 - Command rejected (UPS
¬ Computer)
0x02 - Command accepted (UPS
¬ Computer)
0x03 - Polling command (Computer
¬ UPS)
0x04 - Set command (Computer
¬ UPS)
0x05 - Data returned (UPS
¬ Computer)
0x06 - Notification (UPS
¬ Computer)
The length is the number of bytes from “Report ID” to “Data” items.