Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
Usage | Critical Events
• Shut down power to Stage 1 outlets (any devices that were on
and connected to Stage 1 power outlets will now lose power).
• Enter Stage 2 and show the approximate battery-backup time for
Stage 2. The backup time will count down.
• The Stage 2 icon will now blink to indicate it is the current stage.
The Stage 1 icon will change to a hollow circle (e.g., O) to indicate
it has shut down.
• If your IR Blaster is set to Stage 2, then an IR signal will be
blasted right away.
• Shut down power to Stage 2 outlets.
• Enter Stage 3 and show the approximate battery-backup time for
Stage 3. The backup time will count down.
• The Stage 3 icon will now blink to indicate it is the current stage.
The Stage 2 icon will change to a hollow circle (e.g., O) to indicate
it has shut down.
• If your IR Blaster is set to Stage 3, then an IR signal will be
blasted right away.
• Shut down power to Stage 3 outlets.
• AVU1500 shuts down.
During battery backup, you can do any of the following:
• Audible Alert: You can press the front-panel “Audible Alert” button
while the alert is sounding to temporarily mute the alert sound. The
front-panel display’s “Audible Alert” ON text will blink as a reminder
that the alert sound is temporarily muted.
• Stage Time: If override is off, then you can view the estimated
battery-backup time for any of the three shutdown stages
. Press
the “Stage Time” button to cycle through each stage and see how
much estimated battery-backup time each stage has. Stages that
have already been shut down will show zero time left. Once you stop
pressing the “Stage Time” button, the system will time-out after a
few seconds and go back to showing the battery-backup time for the
current stage.
• Override: During battery backup, you can change the
override status.
• If override is on and then you turn it off, your AVU1500 will
begin its SmartStage shutdown from the beginning. Of course,
estimated battery-backup times for each stage may be less than
normal since some of the usable battery supply has already been
consumed. Also, the “Stage Time” button will become
usable again.
• If override is off and then you turn it on, your AVU1500 will stop
all SmartStage shutdown activities and make power available to
all rear-panel outlets. Of course, any devices that may have been
shut down before (i.e., lost power) will regain power but may
not automatically turn on. Also, the “Stage Time” button will be
disabled and only the battery-backup override time will
be viewable.
If override is on, then there are no shutdown stages so only the override battery-backup time can be viewed (i.e.,
estimated total battery-backup time for all outlets).