Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
Setup and Installation
Your AVU1500 will...
1. Enter into battery-backup mode:
a. The background color of the front display (LCD) will change to an
orange color.
b. If the audible-alert feature is on, then you’ll hear the alert
sound/buzzer. You can press the front-panel “Audible Alert” button
while the alert is sounding to temporarily mute the alert sound. This
will cause the front-panel display’s “Audible Alert” ON text to blink.
2. Enter Stage 1 and show the approximate battery-backup time
for Stage 1.
3. If your IR Blaster is set to Stage 1, then an IR signal will be blasted right
away. The target device meant to receive this signal should respond.
If not, then there are a few possible reasons (see “Troubleshooting
– IR Blaster” on page 48. Try to make any necessary corrections or
adjustments and then run the test again.
4. Shut down power to Stage 1 outlets (any devices connected to Stage 1
power outlets and that were on, will now power off). Remember, this is
an accelerated test, so stages will shutdown faster than normal instead
of consuming the full battery-backup time.
5. Enter Stage 2 and show the approximate battery-backup time
for Stage 2.
6. If your IR Blaster is set to Stage 2, then an IR signal will be blasted
right away.
7. Shut down power to Stage 2 outlets.
8. Enter Stage 3 and show the approximate battery-backup time for
Stage 3.
9. If your IR Blaster is set to Stage 3, then an IR signal will be blasted
right away.
10. Stage 3 will not be shut down (in order to save your connected
critical devices).
11. The test will end and your AVU1500 will return to normal operating
mode. This will allow you to see what your system will look like after
surviving a power outage.
If the system behaves as expected, then congratulations. Your AVU1500
is now ready for use. If the test reveals activities inconsistent with your
expectations, then you may have to make adjustments (e.g., connect
equipment to different stages). Better to discover these issues now and be
able to comfortably rely on your system later.