11. OLite options
11.1.1 Back cover for OLite rental tiles
Some LED-wall applications require an aesthetic look for the rear of the LED-wall. Therefore, Barco offers an optional back cover
system as a kit to close the rear of the OLite rental tile. The back cover system is attached to the OLite tiles before the tiles are
placed into the OLite display. After installation of the back cover system the plastic cover plate can easily be removed, without tools,
to access the OLite control box etc. OLite rental tiles equipped with a back cover still fit in the OLite rental flight case.
Kit order info
Art. No. Description
Package of four (4) back covers for OLite rental tiles.
Kit contents
The kit contains four plastic cover plates and the necessary parts for installation. Check the list below to ensure that the kit you
received is complete.
• 4 plastic cover plates (A).
• 8 lock brackets (B), 2 per plastic cover.
• 8 support brackets (C), 2 per plastic cover.
• 48 nuts M6 (D), 12 per plastic cover.
• 48 hammer bolts M6 (E), 12 per plastic cover.
Image 11-1
Complete OLite back cover set for one tile.
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