7. Basic set up procedures
7.6 Attach an OLite rental tile upon an OLite rental foot
How to attach an OLite rental tile upon an OLite rental foot ?
1. Ensure that the OLite rental foot is installed well to support the OLite rental tiles.
2. Ensure that both locking mechanisms at the bottom of the OLite rental tile are unlocked. So, handles in vertical position and
pulled out.
Image 7-11
Place the tile locking mechanisms in the unlocked position.
3. Place the OLite rental tile upon the OLite rental foot. Ensure that the tile and the foot are equally oriented.
Tip: Use an OLite truss beam in combination w ith hoisting equipment to lift up the OLite rental tile.
4. Lock the tile and the foot together by pushing the handles of the tile inside and then turning the handles in their horizontal position.
The left handle in clockwise direction and the right handle counterclockw
ise, seen from the rear of the rental tile.
Image 7-12
Place the handles in the locked position.
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