B. Specifications
B.5 Ground pressure of a base stand OLite display
All calculations are based upon a wind load of 0,8 kN/m² (±129 km/h) which comply with the TUV regulations.
For more information consult the “Ballast calculator” tool, available on Barco’s web site.
The ballast values are given per OLite rental foot mounted upon two foot beams. Ballast must be placed upon
the last 30 cm of the foot beams.
The surface (footprint) of two foot beams is taken into account for the calculations of the ground pressure.
Note that in case of using adjustable feet the total load of the LED-wall will press on the adjustable feet. So,
always place supporting blocks underneath the foot beam to spread to load.
Ground pressure of an OLite display installed at the front of the foot beams
Single OLite rental foot
1,2 meter foot beams 2,4 meter foot beams 4 meter foot beams
kg/cm² N/mm² kg/cm² N/mm² kg/cm² N/mm²
1 0.0784 0.0076 0.0292 0.0028 0.0153 0.0015
2 0.1653 0.0162 0.0588 0.0057 0.0301 0.0029
3 0.2698 0.0264 0.0926 0.0090 0.0463 0.0045
4 0.3982 0.0390 0.1319 0.0129 0.0645 0.0063
0.5505 0.0540 0.1768 0.0173 0.0846 0.0104
6 0.7266 0.0712 0.2273 0.0223 0.1067 0.0128
0.9267 0.0909 0.2833 0.0278 0.1307 0.0153
8 1.1507 0.1128 0.3450 0.0338 0.1567 0.0181
9 1.3985 0.1371 0.4122 0.0404 0.1846 0.0210
10 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
11 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
12 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Ground pressure of an OLite display installed in the middle of the foot beams
Single OLite rental foot
1,2 meter foot beams 2,4 meter foot beams 4 meter foot beams
kg/cm² N/mm² kg/cm² N/mm² kg/cm² N/mm²
1 0.0543 0.0053 0.0205 0.0020 0.0123 0.0012
2 0.1171 0.0114 0.0380 0.0037 0.0228 0.0022
3 0.1975 0.0193 0.0589 0.0057 0.0333 0.0032
4 0.3018 0.0296 0.0870 0.0085 0.0439 0.0043
0.4300 0.0421 0.1206 0.0118 0.0544 0.0053
6 0.5821 0.0571 0.1599 0.0156 0.0673 0.0066
0.7581 0.0743 0.2047 0.0200 0.0847 0.0083
8 0.9580 0.0939 0.2551 0.0250 0.1042 0.0102
R5976832 OLITE RENTAL DISPLAY 29/05/2007