Conversely, a CMS agent can have either a Manual Signaling button or an
Auto Intercom button to contact you.
And, you can tell which agent is calling
because the light next to that agent’s Auto Intercom button on your voice
terminal flashes rapidly, If the agent has a Manual Signaling button for you
on his or her voice terminal, the agent and you should have a prearranged
meaning for the signal, such as “Please pick up on this call. I need help.”
You can determine which line the agent is on by using the CMS Split Status
screens (see “Using the Split Status Screens” in this section) and pick up on
that line.
Sometimes, it may be necessary for you to use the MERLIN II system Group
Page feature to make group announcements to agents of a particular split or
to all agents on duty. (In order to administer the Group Page feature, see the
administration procedures for Group Page in the MERLIN II System Manual. )
A typical message might be that CMS is starting up for the day and the
agents should touch their Available buttons to signal CMS that they are ready
to receive calls. The agents will hear your voice through their voice terminal
However, the agents must not lift their handsets during the
announcement or the announcement is terminated.
NOTE: If you want to assign paging groups to buttons, you need one
button for each paging group.
To use the Group Page feature to make a paging announcement, you can use
the programmed button or you may choose to use a dial code, To program a
Group Page button on your console for each paging group, follow the
directions in “Programing a Voice Terminal” in Section 6, “Handling CMS
Use the Group Page feature as follows:
Touch the Group Page button for the group you want to page.
When you hear a beep, lift your handset and make the announcement,
(You hear a busy signal if all the voice terminals in the group are busy.)
Touch Intercom-Voice.
Lift your handset.
Dial the code for the group you want to page:
881 for group 1
group 2
group 3
group 4
group 5
group 6
group 7
The Attendant Console 5-5