All CMS lines must have the MERLIN II system ringing option feature set
for No Ring (at the main
Each line of a line group
agent’s voice terminal.
attendant console).
assigned to an agent
CMS agent stations can be assigned any block
must be assigned to the
of stations on the MERLIN
II system from 10 through 69. Keep in-mind that only 28 stations can be
operational at one time.
CMS uses only the default intercom numbers assigned to the MERLIN II
system (10 through 69).
CMS can have up to six shift configurations.
Each shift configuration can have up to four line groups and up to six
agent splits.
Each line group may have one and only one main split assigned to it.
Line groups do not require secondary splits.
An agent split may be designated the main split for one, more than one,
or all line groups.
An agent split may be designated the secondary split for one, more than
one, or all line groups.
An agent split assigned as the main split to one or more line groups can
also be assigned as the secondary split to one or more additional line
Up to four wall-mounted alerts can be used with CMS. They are
connected to line jacks on the MERLIN II system control unit, and
administered to light up when thresholds set by the administrator are
exceeded. The line jacks used for alerts are in addition to the maximum of
28 lines that can be assigned to CMS. (For example, if all 28 outside lines
were assigned, the line button numbers for four alerts would be 29, 30, 31
and 32).
Do not use flexible numbering with CMS.
If you are going to use flexible numbering with non-CMS portions of your
MERLIN II system, do not press
[ InitSp ] (initialize space) when
administering the MERLIN II system. Instead, use block or single
renumbering. (For more information, see “Perform Flexible Numbering” in
Section 4 of the MERLIN II System Installation and Administration Manual).
Key Facts and Considerations 2-9