Avoid Road Groups
From the Avoid Roads screen, tap the Actions button. The Actions screen lets you select from
the following commands:
Add Group Create a new a group of roads to avoid. For example, you can create a
group called “Country Roads” where you designate the roads in that area
to be avoided.
When you tap the Add Group button, the Avoid Roads Group screen
appears. Enter the group name and tap Save.
Edit Group Select a group and tap this button to change the group name. When you
tap the Edit Group button, the Avoid Roads Group screen appears
displaying the group name. Change the group name and tap Save. The
new name is displayed on the Avoid Roads screen.
Delete Group Select a group and tap this button to remove the group from the Avoid
Roads screen. The road entries in this group are also removed.
When selecting a group route, you can tap the Allow or Aviod buttons to include or exclude
all roads located in the group.
Avoid Road Locations
When you tap Default or an Avoid Roads group, Destinator displays the group screen, which
lets you select roads to avoid. From this screen, you can use the Allow or Avoid buttons to
include or exclude a selected road when calculating a route.