POI (Points of Interest)
The POI list is a collection of hundreds of interesting or useful places
organized into easy-to-nd categories. For example, you can use Destinator
to guide you to a shopping center, hotel, restaurant, or gas station.
From the Destinations menu, tap the Points of Interest button. The POI screen appears. You
can nd a category by tapping the Hide/Display Keyboard button and entering text in the
POI Category eld. The Smart Search System automatically displays the POI categories that
match the characters entered.
If you didn’t nd the category through the initial search you can also use the Find button to
do a sub-search, particularly useful when the category name consists of two or more words.
You can always browse the POI Category list by using the Scroll buttons.
When selecting a category, Destinator automatically displays the category entries and the
distance each entry is from your current position. Select your entry and tap or click the Next
button to display your selected destination on the map and then tap the GO button to calculate
your route. From the Show on Map screen, you can designate a route type, Quick or Short.
For more information about calculating a route, see “Go to your Destination (on page 18)”.
Points of Interest