1. Place the wired antennas horizontally in the car using the rubber stickers provided.
It is recommended that the antenna be attached to the windscreen. Please note
that some car models (especially French) use coated windscreen glass and placing
the radio antenna on other windows is therefore recommended on these cars.
2. The
TMC system automatically locates the frequency of the closest radio station
and recommends an alternate route when trafc events (such as congestion or an
accident) are detected. For more information, please refer to the user manual.
3. Other trafc events – such as General Information, Roadworks and Weather – are
also monitored to let the user avoid these events manually.
Destinator Trafc Service
Destinator provides the following trafc service:
1. The
Destinator Trafc Engine monitors the events relevant to your route only.
Destinator automatically calculates the best alternative route.
3. Every 5 minutes,
Destinator re-evaluates the trafc conditions and route
4. For a list of supported receivers, please see the user manual.
Destinator TrafcSam lets you access the best trafc services in Europe with one
simple licence. You can enjoy the following professional services:
• In Germany,
TMC Pro powered by T-Systems Trafc in Germany.
• In France, the nationwide coverage of Michelin Trafc services.
• In the United Kingdom,
Destinator trafc service powered by TrafcMaster.