P505 Smart PDA Phone
To change the backlight settings:To change the backlight settings:
To change the backlight settings:To change the backlight settings:
To change the backlight settings:
1. Tap , then tap
Settings Settings
Settings Settings
Settings to
display the
Settings Settings
Settings Settings
Settings screen.
2. Tap the
System System
System System
System tab, then tap
Backlight Backlight
Backlight Backlight
Backlight icon.
The screen displays the
backlight settings when you are
using the battery power.
Tap the
External Power External Power
External Power External Power
External Power tab
to adjust the backlight settings
when using external power,
3. Adjust the backlight settings, then
To adjust the backlight brightness:To adjust the backlight brightness:
To adjust the backlight brightness:To adjust the backlight brightness:
To adjust the backlight brightness:
1. Tap , then tap
Settings Settings
Settings Settings
Settings to
display the
Settings Settings
Settings Settings
Settings screen.
2. Tap the
System System
System System
System tab, then tap
Backlight Backlight
Backlight Backlight
Backlight icon.
3. Tap the
Brightness tab.
4. Adjust the brightness settings
when the device is on battery or
external power, then press
NOTE Turning off the backlight when the device is not in use or
using a lower level of display brightness saves battery power
and improves battery life.