P505 Smart PDA Phone
Managing photos and videosManaging photos and videos
Managing photos and videosManaging photos and videos
Managing photos and videos
To delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:
To delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:
To delete photos or videos:
2. Select
Delete this MediaDelete this Media
Delete this MediaDelete this Media
Delete this Media.
3. Tap
O K when a confirmation
window appears to delete the
selected file.
To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:
To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:
To delete multiple photos or video files:
1. Check the box at the bottom
left corner of the files you
want to delete.
1. Tap and hold a file to display
a pop-up menu.
NOTE If you want to delete
all photos and video
files in a folder, tap
Tools, Tools,
Tools, Tools,
T o o l s , then select
Check All MediaCheck All Media
Check All MediaCheck All Media
Check All Media
to select all files.