Chapter 5: Phone features
Changing the phone profileChanging the phone profile
Changing the phone profileChanging the phone profile
Changing the phone profile
Profile Profile
Profile Profile
Profile menu allows you to enable or disable the phone flight
mode or change the phone profile.
To open the Profile menu:To open the Profile menu:
To open the Profile menu:To open the Profile menu:
To open the Profile menu:
1. Close the flip. The ASUS menu phone
mode appears. If the flip was closed,
you may have to press
2. Use
to select
Profiles Profiles
Profiles Profiles
Profiles from
the menu, then press
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight Mode
The phone functions are disabled when the
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight Mode is enabled.
Enable this item if you want to use the device in areas where mobile
communication is prohibited (i.e. on an aircraft).
To enable Flight Mode:To enable Flight Mode:
To enable Flight Mode:To enable Flight Mode:
To enable Flight Mode:
1. Use to highlight
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight ModeFlight Mode
Flight Mode
from the menu, then press
(Enable). A check mark appears inside
the box opposite the option.
2. Press
(Back) to return to the
previous menu.